20 May 2011

♥ Owlies ♥

I'm addicted to Ravelry, I admit. And within Rav my most fave hangout is the Tiny Owl knits forum. Love abounds there!

Everybody is loving and giving and supportive and quirky and chatty. Going off topic is "not done" in most groups, in TOK it' s commonly accepted as being utterly necessary! We dream and laugh together and I have to be honest that helped me trough a many a black day back when...

Yesterday me and "boplika" were doing our chatty thing when I offered to buy her the yarn and pattern needed for a KAL (where you all knit the same thing at the same time and chat about it on the forum). She didn't have the time to participate it turned out, but she loved the offer so much that she did her version of the love hands photo I did for the deer antler hat.

(my chattymatey Boplika)

This started a love chain reaction where most people who frequently visit "tokland" as it is loveling called changed their ravatar into a lovehands photo or other variation of the heart. We started a love chain! And it is going viral! YAY

(my bestest owlie friend: winterfi)

I'm actually feeling the love radiating from this group, the support and the fun these people bring to the world. It is really good to know there are lots and lots of people out there who have a positive view on the world and who are not afraid to BRING IT!

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