25 May 2011

Me and my basket went to... Amsterdam

Last sunday I bought a basket that can fit on the front of your bicycle. It was super cheap, but wouldn't fit on my normal bike.

Today I went to Amsterdam to shop, I always borrow a bike at the station because I hate the public transport. I took the basket with me on the Amsterdam bike and it worked like a charm! Fantastic!

I bought my dad a birthday gift, a light/sleeve thingie for his brandspankin new e-reader. He loves it.
Then I browsed the NoaNoa store and found a pretty dress. I also bought a cupcake face mask at the Lush store and Yarn, lots of yarn at The Afstap.

It was nice to ride my bike in the sun, and it was still peaceful and uncrowded in the city since I went early. And I got all my chores done fairly quickly.

When I walked past "Begijnhof" (pretty old inner city quarter of Amsterdam) a group of Spanish tourist wanted to take my picture. I smiled politely and let them do their thing. Later on I realised that my outfit and basket had quite an "melkmeisje" (milkmaid) feel to it. It made my day. I took a pic of the outfit for you all to see what I mean:

There also was a boy photographing the pavement. I stood there watching him for quite some time; he was so engaged in what he was doing, it was a joy to watch him.

When I was back in Hoorn I saw a huge fish in the "gracht" (town-moat) and while I stood there watching him I saw there were loads and loads of tiny fish swimming there as well! It was packed! And then momma duck and one duckling swam by. I love taking the time just standing there and taking in all the pretty sights, the simpler the better it seems.

Then I went over to mom and dad, mama made lasagna! yum yum. Ticho my nephew was there and we had a blast racing with his toy cars. He is about 1,5 years old. And he said my name today! Up until today he hadn't done that, he is so lovely and fun :)

We had an ice cream after dinner. Here is a picture of Ticho and his dad (my brother) Tim:

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