12 June 2011

To bed my dearest..

Confession time: It's nine in the evening and I'm writing this in bed. Even for a sunday thats way early to go to bed... But I have a great excuse. I won't be sleeping for quite sometime because well... something is keeping me wide awake! Got you wondering there right?

No nothing that easysleazy sorry... It's a book; a really good book.

I always read a bit before going to sleep, it's part of my evening ritual. So I read a lot of books. Once every so often you hit this gem of a story. Right now I'm reading a story so compelling I left my knitting on the couch and turned in early just to return to Leonie and Meredith's adventures.

I'm reading Sepulchre from Kate Mosse. It is a great story set in 1891 and 2007, Paris and L'Occitane France, but both stories are linked and are slowly opening up their links and secrets. I love a good thriller and this one is haunting me to push on.

So good night to all, don't try to get my attention: it will be elsewhere...

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