10 June 2011

Teaching is a skill

I am one of those awful colleagues that will remark: "I don't have any problems with that group" when you are bitching and whining about the horrendous lesson you just had with that bunch of wankers.

I admit: I like the bastard boys and weirdout girls. I like to see what makes them tick. It involves listening to them and no shouting. That is weird for those kids. No adult ever listens to them and they yell al the time, cos well...  they're bad kids...

This year it is class 2A. Bunch of F-*&^%-ers if you listen to my colleagues. I however adore them! Today was the first lesson in two months. They all had their books ready, and were really happy to see me. They asked what happened that made me so depressed. We had a talk about pressure and not being who you are. I felt like they really "got" me. They also said the missed me and it was a lot less fun without me! I love these kids!
I had a prize I had to reward certain kids for work they did months ago and they took this funny picture of themselves: sorry for the phone quality pic btw...

 .....pretty girls and though boys....

When they left the class room was still clean and they all wished me a happy weekend, nice to have you back miss...
I felt all glowy happy when I went home. I love them kids :)

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