03 December 2011

I love loud music...

Om my gosh, last night was soooo much fun! I danced and danced and danced and now I have squeaky ears and my ankle hurts like hell, but it was so worth it. It was the first time that I saw a mosh-pit at a dj set. The music was loud an rough, and to be quite frank, I like it that way :) There is no pretty way to dance on drum 'n bass. There just isn't. so everybody moves like they are fighting, but not fighting because the atmosphere was fun and relaxed and I saw so many people laugh it was incredible. Seeing a few hundred people going out of their mind is pretty powerful anyway. I smiled and smiled and smiled. All the work stress got danced away. I feel powerful, but VERY tired right now. We came home at about 4.30 in the morning. Good times.
I can imagine that most people call it noise when they hear drum'nbass. It has so many layers. But that is what I like about it. You can choose which sound to dance to. And it never bores cos it changes all the time.

Best song of last night: Harsh sounds; so much fun.

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